Teacher Notes C2 Searching the web

Web Science  Summary

C1 Creating the WEB (8 Hours)

C2 Searching The WEB (6 Hours)

C3 Distributed approaches to the web (6 hours)

C.4 The evolving web (10 hours)

C.5 Analysing the web (5 hours)

C.6 The intelligent web (10 hours)

20  Nov Lesson  Network Traffic and WiFi Security  Click Here?

16 Nov Lesson  HTTP / HTTPS Why Compress Click Here?

09 Nov Lesson  HTTP / HTTPS Man in the Middle Click Here

Follow this link form lesson notes on HTTP/HTTPS 

TCP/IP Packets lesson

Follow this link form lesson notes on TCP/IP

Lesson Cloud Computing and Privacy

C.4.3 Discuss the effects of the use of cloud computing for specified organizations

In a private cloud model a company owns the data centers that deliver the services to internal users only.

C.4.5 Describe the interrelationship between privacy, identification and authentication

Private Cloud

Private cloud can definitely be used to achieve higher levels of security and reliability and so may be suited to organisations with sensitive, business critical workloads or in regulated industries such as financial services.

  • Scalability
  • Self-provisioning
  • Direct control
  • Changing computer resources on demand
  • Limited access through firewalls improves security
  • Total Control ( of data )
  • Disadvantages

    • With exclusivity comes increased cost. If you plan to build your own private cloud, you face a large capital outlay. Fortunately, you can rent your private cloud from a hosting service provider, for a monthly fee, and still benefit from all the advantages
    • Additional costs for cloud software

    Public Cloud

    In a public cloud services are provided by a third party and are usually available to the general public over the Internet.

  • Easy and inexpensive because the provider covers hardware, application and bandwidth costs
  • Scalability to meet needs
  • No wasted resources
  • Costs calculated by resource consumption only

  • Disadvantages

  • No control over sensitive data
  • Security risks
  • Hybrid cloud

    The idea of a hybrid cloud is to use the best of both private and public clouds by combining both. Sensitive and critical applications run in a private cloud, while the public cloud is used for applications that require high scalability on demand. As TechTarget explains, the goal of a hybrid cloud is to โ€œcreate a unified, automated, scalable environment that takes advantage of all that a public cloud infrastructure can provide while still maintaining control over mission-critical dataโ€.

    • Privacy
    • Identification

    Defined as the seclusion of information from others. In the context of the web this can relate to healthcare record, sensitive data from financial institutions, residential/geographic records, criminal justice investigations/proceedings. For such information it is essential to prevent unauthorized access.


    Class Activity

    Create an INFO GRAPHIC details issues with Online PRIVACY and what measures that can be taken to protect your privacy click here

    The Evolving Web Section

    Describe how cloud computing is different from a client-server architecture

    Learning Objectives
    • Understand the Client Server Model 
    • Describe at least 3 advantages that cloud computing has over an in house client server model

    Client-server architecture

    An application gets split into the client side and server-side. The server can be a central communicator between clients (e.g. email/chat server) or allow different clients to access and manipulate data in a database.

     A client-server application does also not necessarily need to be working over the internet, but could be limited to a local network, e.g. for enterprise applications.

    Cloud Computing

    Some Advantages of Cloud Computing

    • Pay per use: elasticity allows the user to only pay for the resources that they actually use.
    • Elasticity: cloud applications can scale up or down depending on current demands. This allows a better use of resources and reduces the need for companies to make large investments in a local infrastructure.
    • Company has options to use any of these SaaS, IaaS or PaaS 
    • Makes it easy for new start up companies - no big investment needed upfront

    Teacher Notes:

    Some Compelling Reasons to Choose Cloud Computing

    • Can grow and shrink automatically
    • No need to buy in house servers -  Hard disks crash - have a life time
    • No need for special air con room and tech staff
    • Auto Configure  - Save time  creating your own topology
    • Abstraction don't need to be concerned how it all works 


    If you have an in house client server set up: The server is used to host your web site and associated database: Your site takes off and you are swamped with users and your server can not cope because and you are losing business as bandwidth has exceeded.

    2 In house options expand Vertically or Horizontally

    • VERTICAL  Increase processing power increase RAM
    • HORIZONTAL: Add new machines / servers  

    SaaS :  Software as a Service

    Class Activity :

    Click Here and prepare report written for Friday ( can work in pairs ) the report is to be submitted to me on Friday and will be graded

    • Introduction
    • TaSKS
    • Conclusion
    • Key WORDS

    Welcome: What is Cloud Computing?

    Description: This Webquest will introduce you to Cloud Computing and some of its implications in educational technology.

    The Cloud

    Thin Client



    Client Server Architecture

    Private Cloud



    Download Speed

    Public Cloud



    Upload Speed

    Hybrid Cloud


    Data Security


    Lesson 1  ( Searching the web )

    Learning Objectives

    • Understand the need and role of Search Engines ( for searching the web)
    • Able to discuss how term frequency can be used to build an index.
    • Describe how bots/spiders crawl the web

    Class Activity Post Results to your Google Web Site

    Navigating the early web

    How many pages on the WWW?

    Example of Web Directory

    How does search on the web work ?


    Term Frequency (TF)

    How Improve new rule ?

    Doc 1 (Horse= 0 My = 25)



    0/2 + 25/5 = 5

    Doc 2 (Horse= 0 My  = 5)




    Doc 3 (Horse= 10 My  = 10)



    10/2 + 10/5 = 7

    Doc 4 (Horse= 5 My  = 18)




    Doc 5  (Horse= 0 My  = 15)




    Content Toggle Headline

    Lesson 2  ( Searching the web Continued )

    Learning Objectives

    • Be able to create a web page with images and hyperlinks and trace  HTTP response codes
    • Lists, Table, Forms

    Student Activities copy load answers to WEB Search page on your blog

    Create a new web page or extend your existing page

    • Add an image
    • Add a hyperlink
    • Describe the 3 key parts of a search engine
    • Add a paragraph with header : White / Hat Black and describe the differences 
    • Add a paragraph with header : On page Ranking Factors and explain how page factors influence search engines  
    • Add  a paragraph and discuss factors in designing a polite and efficient web crawler

    EXTENSION : Only if above completed try use the table tag to create phone key pad with numbers

    SEO Free TOOLS

    • 1
      Add moz toolbar to your browser ( this shows Domain Authority and Page Authority ) similar to Page RANK
    • 2
      Sign up to AHREF and do some searched and look at how mostly pages with high DA are ranking on page 1
    • 3
      Get rich find  a search term with high volume and low competition that you can monetize 

    Teacher Notes and Links

    Lesson   ( Creating the Web)

    Learning Objectives

    • Students can explain the difference between static and dynamic web pages
    • Students can describe the key difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0
    • Students understand key functions of a Web Browser
    • Students can make a web page dynamic by using Java Script ( client side )

    Structure First 12 mins quiz and starter// Relate Searching the WEB to a real example ///  Review Functions of web browser //  Introduce the idea of dynamic and static web pages with reference to early  Web 2.0 // explain how java script works within side the browser

    Student Activities

    **   Students update blog with new page that describes the the key functions of a web browser 

    Student Activities

    Activity 1 Spend 10 mins comparing results on different search engines example Google, duckduckduck and an other ) Ask your self are results the same better? Look at the html source and find title, description  and header tags

    Activity 2 Build on previous basic HTML knowledge by adding a LIST , TABLE and adding a Form   

    Activity 3 make web page dynamic by adding some simple Java Script

    Activity 1 Form List and Tables

    <ul>, </ul>  ;  start and end of unordered list

    <ol>, </ol>  ;  start and end of ordered list

    <li>, </li>  ; start and end of list items with an ordered or unordered list 

    <table>, </table>  ; denote start and end of table

    <tr>, </tr>  ; denote start and end of row within a table

    <td>, </td>  ; denote start and end of column within a row within a table 

    <form>, </form>  ; denote start and end of an HTML Form

    <div>, </div>  ; denote start and end of a page division

    <input name=X type=Y />  ; define a field within an HTML form X is unique identifier and Y is the  data Type that it accepts

    Make your page Dynamic by Adding Java Script

    Lesson   ( HTML and CSS)

    Learning Objectives

    • Students can explain the purpose of CSS
    • Explain how a CSS file  works and its advantages
    Student Activity Link : 

    Create a html page with a H1 Tag. next create a css file to style the H1 tag then and apply the styling to your html page   ( save css as .css and html as .html)

    HTML File with no styling


    HTML File with styling

    Create  2 files a HTML file and Cascading style sheet be sure to save with correct extensions:

    Open the HTML file with Chrome what do you see ?

    We need to apply the Style to the XML file...

    The Future Of Search

    Students perform searches on different search engines using the same query , why are results different.

    On your blog list and describe 2 black hat approaches to game the search engines.

    On your blog list and describe 8 white hat approaches the will help rank your web site better on a search engine ( google )

    Use the site command to see how many pages indexed on wells school site. 

    Add mozbar extension to your browser and find sites with high and low moz ranking click here

    • Understand the need and role of Search Engines ( for searching the web)
    • Able to discuss how term frequency can be used to build an index.
    • Describe how bots/spiders crawl the web

    Learning Objectives

    • Explain why the effectiveness of a search engine is determined by the assumptions made when developing it
    • Able to discuss the future if search Siri Ok Google .... 
    • Understand why search engines need parallel web crawlers 

    • Crawl news sites every hour ?
    • Crawl web sites that are static less and less often 
    • Do not crawl very poor quality sites ( very little content  )
    • Crawl high authority sites first, follow all links
    • Obey robots txt files, courtesy
    • Remove sites that are trying to game google from index
    • Award bonus points for factors that will improve the user experience, apply negative points for sites that have poor thin content, low engagement time ( how browser data chrome )  

    .The web just keeps on growing crawlers need to be fast and efficient . Need to ensure minimum overlap for example this crawler crawls only .co.th or each separate crawlers for each country

    Learning Objectives

    • Understand that relevance is key to being top search engine
    • Describe the difference between Precision and Recall 
    • Understand how the Cranfield Paradigm is used to improve relevance 

    Relevance = how good the results are : This can be measured using Precision and Recall

    Precision = Results that are relevant ( if 5 out of 10 results then precision is 50% )

    Recall = If search engine returns the top 10 relevant web sites for a given  search term  then it as 100% recall 

    Used for testing on data centers before releasing an algorithm update :  1 million documents X searches Y correct results. This is called the "Cranfield Paradign"

    Learning Objectives  Intelligent Web

    • Understand how the web has evolved from static pages ( read read/write)
    • Describe the aim of the Semantic Web
    • Understand Ambient intelligence and discuss benefit mankind
    • Able to discuss the difference between ambient and collective intelligen 

    Video Section

    Web 1.0 2.0 and 3.0 or Semantic Web

    Starter Activity

    Construct the Truth Table corresponding to above logic gate diagram

    Identify an equivalent logic gate 

    Quiz Searching the WEB

    Prepare for end of unit Assessment

    12 Sep will be a written assessment on Web Science "Searching  The Web"  please click here ( the hits algorithm will not be part of the assessment )

    The will be marked and graded in Power School. You can spend this lesson reviewing the section and ask questions if any clarification is needed

    Please check assignment of google class room and complete by this Friday ( functions of a web browser ) - this will also be graded

    Starter Activity

    Lesson   ( HTTP/HTTPS)

    Learning Objectives

    • Understand why we need HTTPS - Man in Middle Attack  - Third party Content  Injections
    • Describe the extra security benefits of HTTPS 
    • Describe how bots/spiders crawl the web
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