
30 hours

General Plan for Teaching the Case Study

1. Introduction

During this stage need to get the students interested in the case study topic ( without actually making reference to it )

Find any related news stories to key elements of the case study.

Get students to work in pairs on one of these news stories and give presentation to peers followed by discussion. ( limit to 5 topics class size 16)

( ideally get students approach the topic as a Question and Answer approach similar to the extended question )

Get students to upload research findings from presentations on dedicated web site for IB course. Students can use the comments section to further explore the topics by asking question or proving more details.

Research time and preparation of presentation2
Presentation time (30mins per group 8 groups )4
Upload to web site1

2. Case Study in detail

At this stage introduce the actual Case Study

Introduce the key words / terminology

Activity divide students up to create glossary upload to web site

Activity students to present key terms and give explanation/definition without the aid of any materials.

Review extended question of a prev case study

Activity teacher devise question and students prepare answer ( peer marking of answers )

Activity Students devise question and Answer ( with marking scheme same as IB )

Activity ( try and get external speaker or Skype session with industry experts)

Main Body of Work ( break down case study ) with research activities group work etc

Create glossary and upload explain terms to peers2
Skye Guest Speaker2
Review extended question and activities6
Main Body of Work ( break down case study ) with research activities group work etc )10


Students sit Mock Exam with Peer Marking / Review Mock Exam ( thanks Weisam for that idea )

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