Case Study 2020 Block Chain
About Paper 3
The paper is normally written on the same day as paper 2 and has a duration of 1 hour, with a maximum mark of 30, counting for 20% of the total subject grade. Every year, it is a based on a case study or scenario that changes.
Marking Bands
CASE STUDY Questions
CASE Study Student Notes
Write Notes under the following headings
CASE Study Knowledge and understanding:
Terminology Guide
Additional Terminology
Brute force approach
Combinatorial optimization
Computational intractability
Crossover / crossover operator
Exploration vs exploitation
Fitness / fitness function / fitness landscape
Hill climbing
Initialization parameters
Local extrema
Mating pool
Mutation / mutation rate
Novelty search
Premature convergence
Problem space
Roulette wheel selection
Selection strategy
Simulated annealing
Stochastic universal sampling
Termination condition
Tournament selection
Truncation selection
Lesson One - Homework
Read the Case Study and summarize the introduction section
In your research so far have you come across any protocols ?
What is Section
What is a Hashing Function
What is a Good Hashing Function
What is SHA256 Hash Generator
what is Immutable transaction
what is a trapdoor function
What is a Merkle Tree ( also known as a binary hash tree )
Quiz Time
Slide Shows & Lessons
Paper 3 Long Question
Paper 3 always ends with a long discussion question. The time is one hour so allow 2 minutes per point, for example if the Long question is for 12 points allocate 23 minutes. If short question is for 4 mark allocate 8 minutes. This will help ensure you spend the correct amount of time on each question.
=== Long Question (12 marks) ===
- Suggestions for the responses ---
… USE TECHNICAL VOCABULARY whenever possible and sensible.
… Your response to this question(s) should be 1-2 pages long, depending on the size of your writing.
… and it must be completed within 20-30 minutes, as there are other questions on the exam.
… Hence, you may only give partial responses to each part of the question.
… Be sure to address ALL parts of the question(s), albeit briefly, rather than one part in depth.
… Keep in mind that there are no "RIGHT" answers, but there are better and worse answers.