Please Review Sample IA with Moderators Comments
Internal Assessment Computer Science
Moderators Comments
The teacher was consistent but generous in awarding marks.
A: Evidence of consultation must be explicit (e.g. an interview in appendix). The evidence must be referenced and discussed
during the description of the scenario. A clear rationale must be offered both for the product and the software used to create the
product, typically by considering alternatives. The reasons for choosing the software must be product-based.
B: The design overview should include internal structures (data structures, object details, algorithms, database/file structure
description etc.) and the overall structure (user interfaces and connections between them).
For completeness the record of tasks should include all 5 stages - plan, design, develop, test and implement – in that order.
A test plan should be included addressing how each success criteria stated in criterion A will be tested.
C: All the techniques listed must be well-explained, justified and illustrated for higher marks to be awarded. To obtain higher
marks the student must provide a complete list of techniques used, detailed development documentation, explanations with
screenshots and include references where appropriate. Any included code/ERD/SQL statements must be explained and
commented to show evidence of algorithmic thinking.
D: To show evidence of full functionality, the video must address all Criteria for Success (as listed in criterion A), use
sufficient test data, and show evidence of changes made to data structures and/or files.
Extensibility is judged by completeness of design, well-documented development and annotated code in an appendix.
Maximum marks cannot be awarded where these are missing.
E: Students must evaluate the success criteria based on client feedback by making direct references to interviews in an
appendix (explicit evidence) and discussing the client's opinion.
Examples of prev AI's
School year 20/21
27 May 2021 Deliverable
Criteriion A
School year 20/21
Criterion B
Criterion C
Criterion D
Criterion E
End User Name
Any additional extras or interfaces / reports... to increase project complexity
10. Mr Raj
Computer Lab Inventory System for keeping track of machines, labs and machine info..IT Software DB - Our school has a large collection of software. The setup files are stored on a server, but without any documentation. We have a few lists of required software for various installations - the labs are different from the library, and those are different from the teachers' machines. A good support database would have records of the names of software titles, where they are stored, notes about installation tricks, as well as lists of software to be installed for specific machine types.
Different types of categorization: physics field, alphabetical, synonyms, Vernier sensors, etc.
11 counselors
College Application Database - useful for high school counselors who want to keep track of the students applications and college info
Different types of categorization: physics field, aphabetical, synonyms, Vernier sensors, etc.