Topic 1—System fundamentals (20 hours)
Topic 2—Computer organization (6 hours)
Topic 3—Networks (9 hours)
Topic 4—Computational thinking, problem-solving and programming (45 hours)
Topic 5—Abstract data structures (23 hours)
Topic 6—Resource management (8 hours)
Topic 7—Control (14 hours)
Week 1 Lesson Binary representation & Logic Gates
At the end of Lesson, students are expected to:
Class Activities Boolean operators Click here section header 2.1.13
Lesson Continued
Students to draw 3 truth tables working in teams ( on white board ) (15mins)
Teacher introduce Logic Gates click here ( 5 mins )
Students to draw the associated logic diagrams for truth tables ( on white board ) ( 15 mins )
Student application of gate using simulation Gate Simulator Click here (10 mins )
Applying Boolean login in programming Click Here (20mins)
Last 20 plus mins Students update their blogs with answers to the questions below please see student from last year on how to set up your Blog click here :
Should I add this to Google Classroom?
I can then review your work and add comments:
Update your BLOG : Translate the the following logical expression into both a Truth Table
(a OR b) AND ( a NAND b)
Q1 Identify a single logical operator that is the equivalent
Q2 Create truth tables for the following sets of Boolean logic
Precedence NOT=high AND medium OR low
- (A and B) or C
- not A and (B or C)
- not C and (A and B)
Week 2 (15Aug2018) Tpic 2 Computer Architecture Data Representation
Compuational Thinking ( Topic 45 Hours )
Before Moving to the next topic spend 15 mins applying what you have learnt using logic operators ( AND,OR and NOT) - Do not go past exercise near_hundred ( see image below ) - this falls under the computational thing Topic...
Click Here to Begin logic exercises
Activity 1 Take the conversion test Click Here
Activity 2 Update your BLOG with answers to the following:
- 1Covert the following 93 to binary / Convert 2A to Binary / Convert 133 to Binary
- 2Convert 11111111 to Hexadecimal / Convert 00000000 to Hex / Convert 00011111 to Hex
- 3Explain how colors are represented by using RGB
- 4How many colors can be represented
- 5Explain the limitations of ASCII and why we need UNICODE?
Watch at Home for Next Lesson on Friday 17th August
Week 2 Lesson Computer Architecture ( CPU, Secondary, Primary, Cache & Instruction Cylce)
The inside of a computer is as dumb as hell but it goes like mad!”
— Richard P. Feynman
Teacher led discussion on Memory and the Von Nuemann model
Fetch - Decode - Execute - Store Cycle
Little Man Computer references
Numeric code | Mnemonic code | Instruction | Description |
1xx | ADD | ADD | Add the value stored in mailbox xx to whatever value is currently on the accumulator (calculator). Note: the contents of the mailbox are not changed, and the actions of the accumulator (calculator) are not defined for add instructions that cause sums larger than 3 digits. |
2xx | SUB | SUBTRACT | Subtract the value stored in mailbox xx from whatever value is currently on the accumulator (calculator). Note: the contents of the mailbox are not changed, and the actions of the accumulator are not defined for subtract instructions that cause negative results - however, a negative flag will be set so that 8xx (BRP) can be used properly. |
3xx | STA | STORE | Store the contents of the accumulator in mailbox xx (destructive). Note: the contents of the accumulator (calculator) are not changed (non-destructive), but contents of mailbox are replaced regardless of what was in there (destructive) |
5xx | LDA | LOAD | Load the value from mailbox xx (non-destructive) and enter it in the accumulator (destructive). |
6xx | BRA | BRANCH(unconditional) | Set the program counter to the given address (value xx). That is, value xx will be the next instruction executed. |
7xx | BRZ | BRANCH IF ZERO (conditional) | If the accumulator (calculator) contains the value 000, set the program counter to the value xx. Otherwise, do nothing. Note: since the program is stored in memory, data and program instructions all have the same address/location format. |
8xx | BRP | BRANCH IF POSITIVE (conditional) | If the accumulator (calculator) is 0 or positive, set the program counter to the value xx. Otherwise, do nothing. Note: since the program is stored in memory, data and program instructions all have the same address/location format. |
901 | INP | INPUT | Go to the INBOX, fetch the value from the user, and put it in the accumulator (calculator) Note: this will overwrite whatever value was in the accumulator (destructive) |
902 | OUT | OUTPUT | Copy the value from the accumulator (calculator) to the OUTBOX. Note: the contents of the accumulator are not changed (non-destructive). |
0 | HLT | HALT | Stop working. |
DAT | DATA | This is an assembler instruction which simply loads the value into the next available mailbox. DAT can also be used in conjunction with labels to declare variables. For example, DAT 984 will store the value 984 into a mailbox. |
Class Activity
Link to Little Man Computer Click Here
Type in these example instructions to that will add 2 numbers: INP, STA 99, INP, ADD 99, OUT, HLT
The instructions are held in RAM / Memory
The instruction register holds the instruction code
First of all, type in the following code in the LMC as shown in the animation in order to see how it works
STA 20
Where is the input stored?
Where are the program instructions stored?
The same can be achieved the following way too - specifying a variable - A in this case - without specifying a particular memory cell.
Here is the code to subtract 2 numbers , try it out
Activity Challenge - I will be marking Question 1 below Only , please answer using google classroom
Assessment Monday
Monday will be assessment day : please review the following Logic Operatotrs,
Week 3 22 August 2018
Teacher review of memory types ( primary secondary and cache )
Students to prepare 3 minute presentation describing the role that Secondary storage , Primary storage and ROM play in the operation of a modern computer. Lose points if over 3 minutes.
Activity B Group B - Fetch Decode Execution Cycle Click Here
Extension/Homework - Actvity - Complete CodingBat activity ( items marked with green tick ) below. Click Here to Begin/Complete the logic exercises ( Nick and Natina Excucluded)
Week 3 24 August 2018
Week 3 Lesson Computer Architecture ( CPU, Secondary, Primary, Cache & Instruction Cycle)
Students to give presentation ( no prompts )
teacher brief overview of the role of the operating system
Today Lesson Week 4 Computational Thinking
Learning Objectives
Quiz Click here
// Find Name Rollins College in Directory
Step 0 Pickup book
Step 1 Open in Middle
Step 2 Look at Names
Step 3 If Rollins College is among names
Step 4 Read about the College
Step 5 Else if earlier in book
Step 6 Open to middle left half of book
Step 7 Go back to Step 2
Step 8 Else if later in book
Step 9 Open to middle right half of book
Step 10 Go back to Step 2
Step 11 Else
Step 12 Stop
Verb Actions - Boolean expressions (T/F) answers - Loop / Recursive
This is an example of psudeo code . Note the recursive nature Go Back to Step 2 with Base Case ( Exit Case ) when
Big O Notation describes the worst case scenario for run time, example search an unsorted list size N worse case is N steps (O)n
What is Syntax?
Syntax : English sentence "dog car boy" ( about grammar) invalid as no verb in sentence
In Python indentation, : after if statements ( these are found at compile time)
Semantics: Does the sentence have valid meaning "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" is grammatically/syntactically correct , but what does it mean? ( these are found at run time)
Create a flow chart to represent the following algorithm. Prompt the user for input X and Y Please refer to this document for IB flowchart approach click here
Lesson Searching the Web ( 6 hours )
Link to Google Slide Presentation Click Here
Lesson The evolving Web ( 6 hours )
Link to Google Slide Presentation Click Here
Control Systems
Control systems please Click here
Students to investiage and give class prsentation select from
- Automatic Doors
- Heating systems
- Taxi meters
- Elevators
- Washing machines
- Domestic robots
- Traffic lights
- Discussion of social impacts and ethical considerations associated with the use of embedded systems (Tagging prisoners, surveillance, CCTV) (Calixto)
Resources click here
Collection of activities and exercises
Pseudo code problem solving click here
Pseudo code problem solving advanced click here
Pseudo code Collections click here
Pseudo code Collections exercise ( teacher cities ) click here
Pseudo code advanced teacher votes print out requirement click here
Analyse program presented as a flow chart click here
Program efficiency click here
Activities Find the error in the code and BIG O efficiency in loops click here
Logic Gates Half Adder click here
Logic Gates applying to PHP and create code based on log conditions click here
Working with 2D arrays click here
(4.2.9) Iterations and absolute value click here
Nested Loops and PHP click here
Instruction cycle with exercise click here
architecture of the central processing unit click here
2D arrays advanced click here
Searching with video click here
Sorting click here
Web Science Activities
Online interaction crowd funding. wiki google maps alternatives click here
Internet Future Quest Click here
Past Paper Questions
End of Topic Quiz