Classroom rules and policies

Classroom rules and policies

Classroom Etiquette

  • Intelligence is not fixed, hard work can achieve anything. Belive this and you will excell in anything. If you think you are snart you will be afraid of challenges in case you show that you are not that smart!  
  • At the start of each class, all students are expected to be on time and ready to learn. What does “being ready to learn” mean? It means showing the teacher that you want to be here by having a writing utensil (pen or pencil) and paper or notebook on your desk. Keep in mind that your body language already displays your attitude, and there are absolutely no heads on desks allowed, as well as no headphones in ears.
  • If a student needs to use the restroom, they must ask the teacher, use a Hall Pass, and try to use a minimal amount of time outside of the classroom. 
  • Use of smartphones is not permitted in class, unless permission is granted by the teacher for a classroom-specific activity or assignment. If the student is using his/her smartphone for hotspot purposes, it must remain inside of the student’s desk.
  • According to ICT Department policy, students are required to take notes by hand in their notebooks.
  • Bring a positive attitude and an open mind to class. Participate, engage in discussions, and be open to new ideas. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion or step out of your comfort zone.


  • If a student is tardy or absent for class, he or she must send a courtesy email to the teacher to inform the teacher of the reason for tardiness or absence. Students must take responsibility for the work missed. Google Classroom is the best resource to find out what work should be completed, as it is updated frequently, as well as your classmates and/or teacher.
  • Please make it a priority to come to class on time and always. If students are tardy often or miss multiple classes, your grade will be affected and you will face the consequences in line with the Wells International Student Handbook. Remember, you are developing future habits so develop the ones that will contribute to your future success!
  • Please take responsibility and submit coursework on time.
  • Wells High School Lateness Expectation: 10% will be deducted from late work during the first week, and 20% after two weeks or more of lateness.
  • Cheating, copying work, and plagiarizing are not tolerated at Wells International School and there are serious consequences.
  • If students would like to make up work and they have valid reason to do so, they must speak to the teacher to arrange something and it will be a case-by-case situation.


  • Speak in English only. If you need assistance with English language, you may use a dictionary or ask the teacher for help.
  • Course information, announcements, and assignments can all be found on Google Classroom. Please access Google Classroom first for the answers to your questions before emailing me. If you cannot find the answer, then you may email me or ask your peers.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, problems, or concerns. It is best that I am informed of any issues you are having as soon as possible so we can work together to find a solution. I am available before, during, and after school during office hours, or you can send me an email. Please do not expect a reply back if it is outside of school hours.
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